Re-envisioning the path forward with horses

FreeHorse Arts Horse Sense sessions are customized for each individual based upon the principles of a healthy herd, and adjustments are made based on immediate feedback from both horse and human. The horses  at FreeHorse Arts and Unbridled model our principles which include adaptability, alignment, exploration & play, honesty & congruency, individual accountability & responsibility, presence, respect and shared leadership. Observing and interacting with horses when they are living as close to their natural state as possible (physically, emotionally and mentally) provides powerful opportunities for humans to witness and experience a deep sense of communication, peace and interconnection.

2025 Horse Sense Sessions

Previous 2025 Horse Sense Sessions

2024 Horse Sense Sessions

  • The Space of Silence

    Experience the potent solstice silence with the horses.

    Saturday, December 21, 2024

    1:00 - 2:00 p.m. EST

  • Yoga in the Pasture followed by Gratitude Gathering with the Horses

    Restorative yoga led by Mary Page Watts.

    Saturday, November 23, 2024

  • The Set of Nature

    Drawing inspiration from the set of nature.

    Saturday, October 26, 2024

  • The Choreography of Horse & Human

    The energetic dance between horse & human.

    Saturday, September 7, 2024

  • Learning From Others

    What can we learn from others in order to create conscious community?

    Saturday, August 24, 2024

  • Customizing equine health care

    Saturday, July 27, 2024

  • Behind the Scenes-Farm Life, what does it take to make it ALL work!

    Join us for a day in the life at Dandelion Springs Apiary.

  • Do horses produce black gold?

    How to ensure the quality of what goes in and what comes out for optimal health and pasture management.

  • Our True Nature

    Kim Hallin guided participants through some simple and transformational activities with horses designed to help us remember what it feels like to be part of the healthiest herd on Earth: the community of life.

  • Bug Off

    What might 'bug' a horse and how can we help minimize reactivity while maintaining sensitivity?

  • Do Horses Dance?

    Explore the myriad ways that horses communicate through movement as they illustrate the FreeHorse Arts principles of play and exploration.

  • Creating Space For Horses

    What do most horses need to be healthy, and how can we create healthier and peaceful environments for both horses and humans?

  • An amazing group of people can dramatically change the trajectory of others; I know that because I am one of them that has been positively influenced.

    - Ajay

  • Very excited about this endeavor and happily support its cause and the people who will do such good work in our community.

    - Dave and Kelsey

  • As Margaret Mead best put it, ‘Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.’ Thank you for opening yourselves to such a commitment.

    -Tina (Contributor and Parent of a Participant)

  • I am thrilled to contribute to this work! Thank you for bringing creativity, compassion, and inspiration to our community.

    - Roberta

  • Free Horse Arts continues to impact my life in such powerful ways- I find it hard to put into words. Each lesson every week gives me enough nourishment of the well being for the whole week. Now, Mondays have become my favorite day!!!! Grateful! :)

    – Ajay

  • Time with you is like being suspended in a hug for an hour a week. There have been moments where I am aware of the powerfully supportive and loving energy that envelops the group. Distance and time fall away.

    -Parent of a Connecticut Herd Member